Privacy Policy

Data Protection Notice for action Centres of Vocational Excellence, grant contract ref. 101056320 – EULEP; Project: European Learning Experience Platform


EULEP, the European Learning Experience Platform, is a project co-funded by the European Union (in casu, by the European Education and Executive Agency (EACEA)) and being implemented by a consortium of twenty organisations (the project partners) established in eight different countries, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Italy, Latvia, Spain and Turkey: 

• Eurochambres, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, BE 

• CVO Semper, BE 

• Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Bruxelles asbl – BECI Brussels, BE 

• Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ), AT

• CSI Center for Social Innovation Ltd, CY 

• Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, CY 

• Cambra Oficial de Comerc i Industria de Terrassa (La Cambra), ES 

• Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), ES 

• Ayuntament de Terrassa, ES

• Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Var, FR 

• GIP Formation et Insertion Professionnelle de l’Academie de Nice, FR 

• Universita degli studi di Genova (UNIGE), IT 

• Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali (IFOA), IT 

• Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura Unioncamere, IT 

• Istituto Nazionale per l’analisi delle politiche pubbliche (INAPP), IT 

• Ogres Tehnikums (Ogres TS), LV 

• Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LV 

• Turkiye Odalar Ve Borsalar Birligi (TOBB), TR 

• Turkiye Ekonomi Politikalari Arastirma Vakfi (TEPAV), TR 

• TOBB Ekonomi Ve Teknoloji Universitesi (TOBB ETÜ), TR 

The project partners work together to: 

• make Continuing Vocational Education and Training (C-VET) more attractive for lifelong learning, 

• offer businesses new and tailor-made training modules that correspond to their skills needs in innovation-oriented subjects (artificial intelligence, virtual reality and social innovation), 

• establish or reinforce knowledge triangles at the regional and national level thanks to the triangulation business – VET provider – European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), 

• embed VET in regional economic development strategies and reinforce its governance, putting it on a sustainable path. 

The project activities directly target VET providers, companies, potential VET learners from different horizons, EDIHs, public authorities and other stakeholders involved in the VET governance process or dealing with VET more widely. Some 500 companies take part in the different activities indicating their skills needs, evaluating and testing project outcomes. 24 VET trainers will be trained in 1 European Learning Academy, learning the 3 modules and training paths, and will in a second step train in total 240 VET trainers and 480 company employees/workers in their respective countries. 160 participants will join regional multiplier events, and a much higher number will benefit from the information provided during the wide VET promotion campaigns. Regional VET Councils will draft 8 smart VET strategies and 8 action plans to put the project outcomes on a sustainable footing. 2 major project events will gather some 170 stakeholders.

Processing of personal data:

In this context, the project partners will have to process personal data of persons involved in the project activities (hereafter ‘’you”, “your”). This Privacy Policy outlines how the project partners (hereafter “we”, “us”, “our”) and our service providers process your personal data through your use of this website, the EULEP platform, and participation in the activities including any data you may provide to us when you use our forms, sign up to our newsletter or submit an inquiry or comment.

Personal data means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data). We process your personal data in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, applicable national data protection laws and in accordance with the purposes, requirements and restrictions that are set out in this Privacy Policy.

What personal data do we process?

We may process different kinds of personal data that you communicate to us, including email addresses, names, position, city/town, country, language, username or other identifier, password, information included in CVs (e.g., professional experience, individual capabilities, qualifications), training responses and any other data you communicate to us.
We may process personal data about you due to your participation in our workshops, training courses or events, such as names, email addresses, pictures and videos. We also may process information about how you use our website and service such as referral source, length of visit, page views, website navigation paths, location data, an Internet Protocol (IP) address, cookies etc.

How do we use your personal data?

We may use information from you or about you:
• to implement the EULEP programme and to manage your participation in the programme, this includes communicating with you about activities, conducting surveys, interviews, organising workshops, training courses, conferences, skills
competitions and events, distributing newsletters to you, marketing and promoting the
programme ; 

• for IT purposes, such as enhancing the EULEP platform, our website and identifying
website usage trends. 

We may disclose your personal data: 

• to the staff of the Consortium members on a need-to-know basis for the above

• to EACEA and the Commission as the contracting authority of the programme, this may include their staff and service providers of operational and financial units and bodies charged with a monitoring or inspection task in the application of Union law (e.g. internal audits, European Court of Auditors, European Anti-fraud Office – OLAF, and law enforcement bodies); 

• to our service providers, who provide services such as the platform management and maintenance, website hosting and moderating, data analysis, IT services, e-mail and direct mail delivery services, auditing services, event organising services and other services, in order to enable them to provide the services to us; 

• as we believe to be necessary, if permitted or required by applicable law.

With your consent, we may also use and disclose information collected through the website
in other ways.

Do we transfer your personal data outside the EEA?

For the purposes of the implementation of EULEP programme, your personal data may be
transferred outside the EEA, including to:
• Turkiye Odalar Ve Borsalar Birligi (TOBB), TR
• Turkiye Ekonomi Politikalari Arastirma Vakfi (TEPAV), TR
• TOBB Ekonomi Ve Teknoloji Universitesi (TOBB ETÜ), TR

Where we transfer personal data to a country outside of the EEA which does not provide a similar or adequate level of protection to that provided by countries in the EEA, we will make sure appropriate safeguards are in place.

What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?
Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal data described above will depend on the personal data concerned and the specific context in which we collect it, this can be:

• your consent (e.g., for taking pictures, videos about you as a participant etc.),

• our legitimate interest to manage you participation in the EULEP programme (e.g., communication with stakeholders, development of the infrastructure, managing our IT systems and audits etc.),

• the performance of a task caried out in the public interest to correctly fulfil the requirements of the EULEP programme (e.g., communication and interaction with EACEA and its service providers), and

• our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements under applicable laws (e.g., keeping records for tax purposes or for accounting, providing information to public authorities).

Event visibility – photographs and/or videos during events

By taking part in our EULEP events/activities as panelist/speaker/trainer, you grant us and the European Commission, including EACEA, full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for dissemination purposes on our or the European Commission’s websites and social media accounts, and in publications. By taking part in our EULEP events as a participant, we’ll ask for your consent to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for dissemination purposes on our or the European Commission’s websites and social media accounts, and in publications.

How long do we store your personal data

We only retain personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including the purpose of satisfying any legal, regulatory, reporting or auditing requirements (usually for five (5) years after programme termination). We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation.

What are your rights

You have the right to:
• Access the personal data we hold about you and to obtain a copy.
• Obtain the rectification of your personal data if it is inaccurate.
• Obtain the erasure of your personal data.
• Ask us to stop using your data, if you believe something is wrong, while we sort out
the problems.
• Receive the personal data you have provided in a commonly used format, so you can
take it somewhere else if you wish.
• Object to the use of your data for marketing purposes at any time.
• Lodge a complaint with your national Data Protection Authority, if you believe your
rights are not being respected.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us (details below). We may need to request specific information from you in order to help us confirm your identify and ensure your rights to access your personal data (or exercise any of your other rights). We may also contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.

Changes to our Privacy Policy 

From time to time it may happen that we have to change our Privacy Policy. In case of changes regarding the purposes of the processing, you will be notified by us. If changes are necessary to comply with new legal requirements, we will indicate when we last updated our Privacy  Policy and include a link to our previous one . Please check our Privacy Policy on a regular basis. 

How you can contact us 

If you would like to contact us or if you have any question about this Privacy Policy, please contact with reference to EULEP.