The present second report of the EULEP Project, is the outcome of the work done with businesses, with project partners and with VET Councils under Work Package 2, the main objective of which is to lay the basis for the development of the training modules under Work Package 3, following a bottom-up and end user-centered approach.

Read the full report here.

To reach that objective, the project partners engaged in a one-year development process to:

• Identify the level of awareness and training needs of companies in the fields of AI, VR, SI and to transform them into learning outcomes.

• Check the extent to which existing training modules meet companies’ training needs and to come up with the best possible training scenario that meets companies’ needs.

• Lay the basis for the future recognition of the forthcoming training modules at national level (either as standalone modules or as part of larger curricula).

• Define common quality criteria for the development of transnational VET training modules.

This report presents the process that the EULEP project partners have followed along this year and the final findings and outcomes.

Read Executive Summary available in 8 languages