6th Steering Committee Meeting (Riga, Latvia)

From September 17-19, EULEP partners gathered in Riga for dynamic discussions on project progress and future plans. Highlights included the Monitoring Committee’s review of key quality outcomes and the Steering Committee’s roadmap for upcoming activities, with a special focus on the European Learning Academy and new training initiatives. The event wrapped up on a high […]

5th Steering Committee Meeting (Online)

The 5th Steering Committee Meeting took place online on June 5. Partners reviewed the progress of the training materials development and the upload onto the platform. They set a timeframe for the quality assurance check of the training materials and exchanged about the functionalities of the platform. The steps and deadlines of work package 5 […]

EULEP 3rd Steering Committee Meeting

The EULEP 3rd Steering Committee Meeting took place on the 4th of October in Toulon (France). The three-day agenda combined the Monitoring and Quality Assurance Meeting with the Work Package leaders, the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting the second day, and few local visits to Digital engineering school and public institution of higher education. The partners […]

3rd Benchmarking Meeting (WP2)

The third online Benchmarking meeting took place on 15 June following to the round of feedback from partners subsequent to the 2nd Benchmarking meeting. During this meeting feedback from partners about the Learning Outcomes (descriptions of the specific knowledge, skills, or expertise that the learner will get from a learning activity, such as a training […]

2nd Steering Committee Meeting (Online)

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting took place Online on 31 May 2023. During this 2 hour meeting, an activity recap was done with a special emphasis on the WP2 going through the progression of the activities and a review of the remaining tasks to be completed. Moreover, the potential challenges faced during the implementation and […]

2nd Benchmarking Meeting (WP2)

On 16 May the second Benchmark Meeting took place online to discuss upon the  on the agreement of the training modules to be developed. During the first meeting back in April,  it was agreed to add an additional step to the process:  to define the “personas” definition for the EULEP Project. A Persona is a […]

Eurochambres flash survey: Green skills in the eyes of European businesses

The shift towards a greener and more sustainable economy has a profound impact on the European labour market. Green skills and green jobs are instrumental in translating the new opportunities created by clean and sustainable technologies into actual economic growth. Decisive skills-related measures need to be implemented by European, national, and regional authorities, social partners, […]

Eurochambres position on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and the Council on the European Year of Skills

The 2023 European Year of Skills is an excellent opportunity to work with EU level instruments to respond to labour market needs, such as mobility schemes, upgrading Vocational Educational Training (VET) and forecasting tools. Chambers of commerce and industry play a key and hybrid role, developing and upgrading skills, representing businesses and the “users” of […]

1st Benchmarking Meeting

Yesterday, 26 April 2023 EULEP Partners met virtually with the aim of organizing a benchmarking meeting to review and discuss the results of the surveys and focus groups organized per country, and start the discussions of the nature of the training modules to be developed.