
The project engages in a series of activities that complement each other and allow for a progressive implementation of the project.

The Market analysis phase allows the partners to lay the basis for the development of the training modules, following a bottom-up and end-user-centred approach. Training needs of companies in the fields of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and social innovation are identified, and in a second step transformed into learning outcomes.

The outcomes of the activities will be published in two documents: a report on “Workforce needs for up and reskilling in Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Social Innovationand a set of recommendations for the development of transnational training modules.

During the subsequent training path definition and modules development phase, 3 learning paths with modules and units for each of the three fields (AI, VR, SI) are developed. The partners will ensure the maximum flexibility to offer Higher Education and VET providers the possibility to integrate the learning outcomes into existing curricula and training paths.

The three training paths are going to be shared with the wide public as well as a “train the trainers guide”.

While the training paths are being developed, a functional e-learning platform is developed at European level. The platform will be instrumental in the subsequent learning process and will be accessible to registered users.

The developed training materials are integrated into the e-learning platform and via the platform taught to selected target groups in the “Piloting, Action Piloting Plans & Capacity building” phase.

Starting with a European Learning Academy for VET and training providers, the newly developed trainings will progressively be implemented in the 8 participating countries, with selected target groups (from VET trainers to companies). The piloting activities in the 8 countries will conclude with multiplier events during which the outputs and results of that phase will be disseminated.

During the “Regional hubs for cooperation in and promotion of VET” phase, project partners will reach out to European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in their respective countries/regions. They will exploit the possibility for collaboration and joint action with the EDIH in the chosen subjects (AI, VR, SI) for the sake of the ultimate beneficiaries of the training activities, and C-VET more broadly.

Together they will engage in joint VET promotion campaigns and organise skills competitions. The skills competitions will serve as a tool for informal education while bringing concrete benefits to the companies taking part.

The outcomes of the skills competitions will be published in a “skills competitions report” and will serve as further promotion tool of C-VET for lifelong learning. Besides, the project partners will develop an “SMEs Skills Diagnosis Handbook” that will i.a. allow companies to detect their human capital needs based on self-evaluation and how to train employees while keeping the companies’ activities ongoing.

The question of VET governance and funding is going to be addressed in the “VET Councils for sustainable governance and funding” work package.

Two good VET governance practices have been pre-identified for the EULEP project. The project partners will get to know both initiatives in detail and will be in the position to improve VET governance at their respective level thanks to the adoption and adaptation of one of the two models (or a mix of both).

In the context of improved governance, the partners will develop smart VET strategies for AI, VR, SI that are to be embedded in wider regional/national economic development strategies. The strategies will be accompanied by concrete action plans that will look beyond the project’s lifetime and consider all financial aspects, making best use of regional, national and/or EU funding.

The adaptation process experience will be summarised in a VET Council Handbook, that is to describe VET Council and Cluster practices and offer the reader tips on how to set up VET Council or Cluster structures. The handbook will be accompanied by a toolkit offering practical tips and guidance for the VET Council’s daily operations.